2020-21 Reentry Plan
"It's not going to be easy, but with our 1 student to 1 device initiative, we can do this and we can do it together."
Information Updated Regularly
Governor Abbott, the Texas Education Agency, and the health department have been providing executive orders, recommendations, and guidelines that will shape the beginning of school for Fall 2020. SMSD has used that information to strategize our learning programs for all of our students and staff starting classes on Wednesday, August 19. We recommend caution in sending students directly back to school for in-person instruction because of the current surge for COVID-19 cases. As the situation continues to change, this means many of our decisions regarding the protocol and measures needed to ensure the safety and health of our students and staff will be made in real time. We will continue to put the safety and education of our students and staff before anything else and this page will provide you with the latest updates.
A Message From Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert Bostic
SMSD will have a phased-in approach with the health and safety of our community in mind. We will begin the first 4 weeks of school with online instruction. It is our full intention to get all students and staff back in school as soon as we are able to do it safely. However, at this time in our community, the COVID-19 numbers are rising and we have to do what we have to do. At the close of the 4 weeks, we will readdress our plans as needed. It's not going to be easy but, with our 1 student to 1 device initiative, we can do this and we can do it together.
Spartan Safety Video
Many of you have questions on the new procedures we will have in place when we welcome back faculty and staff, in addition to our students and parents returning to campus one day soon. Check out our video below to see what we are doing on campus and where!
Latest Updates
Required Enrollment Form (Use same link for Spanish)
We are in the process of creating a safe and conducive learning environment for our district due to the onset of the COVID-19 virus. As a result, we are asking you to complete the online form by Monday, July 27. To better assist us, this form will be required for every single student before attending classes at SMSD. If you have more than one child enrolled, you must complete a separate form for each child.
1. Online
2. In-Person (5 days a week)
Changes to learning instruction methods can only be done at certain times. Once the survey is closed, parents can contact the principal, main office or email to SMSDlearningprograms@staffordmsd.org to switch plans.
Date | Event |
Monday, July 27 |
Deadline for Required Enrollment Form (remains open) |
Monday, August 10 | Last day for parents to change initial Learning Program preference by emailing SMSDlearningprograms@staffordmsd.org |
Wednesday, August 19 | First Day of School (100% online instruction for all students) |
Monday, September 14 | Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting (Re-address Learning Program Options) |
- Learning Programs (Online / In-Person)
- Technology (1 to 1: Students to Devices)
- Attendance and Registration
- Bilingual / ESL
- Federal Programs: Special Education, 504, McKinney-Vento
- Athletics (UIL)
- Fine Arts (UIL)
- College & Career Development (CTE)
- Libraries
- Early Childhood Center (ECC)
- Extended Day
- Maintenance & Operations
- Transportation
- Child Nutrition
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Learning Programs (Online / In-Person)
All of our students will be provided an iPad to promote 1 student to 1 device capability. All students have access to the school districts online textbooks for each grade level and access to the districts learning management system, Blackboard (2nd – 12th Grade), Study Island (EC – 1st Grade) and through Microsoft Teams district wide.
This Fall, SMSD will provide instruction in two different environments: (1) Online/Remote and (2) In Person. Students will engage in high quality learning that is aligned to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
This is defined as an online instructional experience where students engage in learning experiences at their own pace and on their own time, interacting with the teacher when necessary for support and clarification. Students will engage in remote/asynchronous learning through our Learning Management System, Blackboard.
Self-paced online learning
Live interaction and instruction with the teacher at scheduled times
Preassigned work with formative assessments
Watching pre-recorded videos on the course page
Guided support from the instructor
Daily Engagement and Attendance:
Progress in learning platform made that day
Progress as defined in the approved learning plan (e.g. teacher/student interactions made that day (phone calls, virtual meetings)
Demonstrate evidence of learning (i.e. video, picture, or activities submitted as lessons and/or completing assignments)
Courses will follow a similar scope and sequence as in-person instruction and will cover all required TEKS.
Student are required to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct just as they would during in-person attendance.
Grading and GPA policies will be in effect, including policies for late work.
Along with this model, there will be components of Synchronous learning. Synchronous learning includes scheduled, real-time, live instruction between teachers and students with the use of video conferencing software like Blackboard Collaborate and Microsoft Teams.
Live interactive classes with students and teachers participating in real-time
Students will attend virtual sessions
Teacher-supported work time on video conference calls
Teachers will take attendance daily and absences will be documented
Students will commit to attending virtual class at a designated schedule and actively participate in learning activities as if they were attending class in-person
- There will be teacher discretion on the number of assignments and not all lessons will have an assignment as teachers follow the district grading guidelines.
- We will ensure open lines of communication between teachers, students and parents. Students and parents will communicate with the teacher when needing additional assistance, tutoring, etc.
- Online Learning will look different based on the name and need of each student. In addition, students who receive supplemental services or are in different grades will find that their services are developmentally appropriate.
- Online Learning will require support from parents, grandparents, relatives or caring adults at home and within the online classroom environment. Activities are designed to ensure that students continue learning at the pace of the current Stafford MSD scope and sequence.
- Students will continue to meet their academic and performance goals.
- Classes within Online Learning are created by SMSD or online providers and will follow the schedule of classes at the student’s campus.
- The level of rigor, workload, time commitment and timing of classes will be the primary differences between face to face instruction and online instruction.
- Students will have a schedule to require participation in asynchronous learning for one semester at a time.
- We will have the option to move a group, class, campus or district to online learning to keep the safety of the campus/district as our number one goal.
We are ready, willing and able to meet the needs of students through face-to-face instruction in the 2020-21 school year. The District employs full-time registered nurses who are prepared to deliver high quality medical care to students. A number of enhanced health and safety protocols will be in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
- Students and teachers will attend class in-person, five days a week, with additional safety measures in alignment with state and federal guidelines and recommendations.
- In this model, teachers will provide face-to-face instruction and will also utilize Blackboard Classroom to provide learning resources and support that can be accessed from home.
Teachers will plan instruction that is quickly and easily transferable from face-to-face to remote in the event of a temporary school closure due to COVID-19 spread.
- All students and staff will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms regularly and individuals who come with symptoms will be separated and sent home.
- Staff will be required to self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms prior to reporting to work each day.
- Parents/guardians are expected to screen their students for COVID-19 symptoms each day prior to sending their student to school.
- Teachers will monitor students and refer to the nurse if symptoms are present.
- All students will use face coverings each day.
- Parents that do not choose virtual instruction will be assigned to in person instruction until a parent makes a written determination to the school.
- Class size will depend on the number of students who choose to participate in on-campus learning.
- Desks or tables will be socially distanced as much as instructionally possible.
- Partitions will be used on a limited basis based on availability and appropriateness.
- Student movement will be staggered to limit the number of people in various areas during transitions.
- Traffic patterns will be established to separate individuals to the greatest extent possible to encourage social distancing.
- Alcohol-based hand sanitizer will be readily available and thorough hand washing will be practiced.
- Staff will limit the use of shared supplies when possible and have access to disinfectant wipes to sanitize high-touch and working surfaces as well as shared objects.
Technology (1 to 1: Students to Devices)
Our district is moving to a 1 student to 1 device initiative, which means that every student will have access to an iPad. These devices may not be ready on the first day of school (Aug. 19) but the district will be able to provide an alternative solution until that time. Through the 1 to 1 initiative, we will provide students from PreK to 12th grade with:
- iPad 10th Generation, Charger, Charging Cable
- Rugged Case
Parents will need to sign an Acceptable Use Policy and accept the terms and conditions to qualify to receive an iPad for each student enrolled in the District. The iPads are SMSD property and should be returned to the campus if the student withdraws. The iPads will have software installed to monitor and secure student activity online. This is for the protection of the Child in compliance with CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act).
Limited quantities of Mobile Hotspots will be available to check out from SMSD Libraries. More information will be provided at a later time on who qualifies and how to apply. For eligible families, Comcast offers a low-cost plan called “Internet Essentials”.
Attendance and Registration
While parents are given the option to select online or in-person instruction, students will still be expected to attend and/or be engaged at home to earn daily attendance.
Attendance will be measured daily. Students are expected to show daily progress in the teacher-assigned learning application (including, but not limited to Blackboard Classroom), daily progress via teacher-student interactions, or must complete/turn-in assignments to the teacher via email or mail. If students do not have documented engagement via the teacher-assigned learning application, daily contact with the teacher, and/or documentation of completion/turn-in of daily assignments by 3:30 p.m. each school day, students will be considered absent. However, this absence can be resolved if the student engaged in daily learning assigned by their teachers by 11:59 p.m. that same day. If the student is unable to attend school via the asynchronous method and will be absent, the parent must still provide the school with a note that describes the reason for the absence. Parents may forward notes to the teacher and the attendance clerk at the designated campus so that the attendance may be adjusted in the system as needed.
Parents and students will receive absence notifications via School Messenger after 6:00 p.m. each day and will be reminded of the opportunity to resolve that day’s absence if the student engages in learning before 11:59 p.m. of that same day. (Notifications may be controlled by parents via the Alerts page in Parent Portal.)
Any absences recorded but resolved by the student before 11:59 p.m. on the same day, will be reconciled based on login records of the online learning platform.
If a student is engaged in asynchronous learning and completes the entire weeks’ worth of learning activities on Monday and does not log in for the remainder of the week, he/she will be marked “present” on Monday only and will be counted “absent” for Tuesday – Friday.
Attendance will be recorded as usual via our txGradebook system. Students must be in class by the Official Attendance Time to be counted present for the day and to also generate funding for the school district. If the student will be out for the day or for part of the day, the parent must still provide the school with a note that describes the reason for the absence. Parents may forward notes to the teacher and the attendance clerk at the designated campus so that the attendance may be adjusted in the system as needed.
9:25 a.m. Middle & High School
9:30 a.m. Early Childcare Center & Elementary School
90% RULE
State law TEC §25.092 and SMSD Board Policy still require students to attend at least 90% of their classes to receive credit and be promoted. Remote attendance will count in the same manner as on-campus (in-person) attendance in satisfying this requirement.
Online Registration is currently open for new students. Videos with detailed instructions have been added to the page to assist you in this process as you start online registration. If you have completed online registration, be sure to call your student’s designated campus to set up your appointment. Attendance Clerks/Registrar will be meeting with parents to finalize registration by appointment only.
Bilingual / ESL
During periods of school closures or intermittent breaks due to the coronavirus pandemic, TEA allows local education agencies to provide temporary instructional support to potential English learners by placing them in the best educational setting/program ensuring prompt access to program services while the face to face identification process is delayed. Potential English learners include those for whom the Home Language Survey indicates a language other than English is used either in the home or by the student most of the time.
A student cannot be formally placed in program services, bilingual, or ESL until he or /she has been officially identified as an English learner by the state identification assessment and by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) pending parental approval for the rendering of services.
Pre-K placement is dependent upon English learner eligibility and if the student does not meet any other pre-kindergarten eligibility criteria, the student may temporarily participate in prekindergarten until English learner identification is official.
English learners (ELs) come to school with diverse talents, experiences, emotional needs, and levels of family support. School districts are required to provide language accommodations for English learners for content area classes that are held remotely. Many accommodations may be effectively provided online. These may include individualized instruction/assignments, extensions of time for completing assignments, reducing the number of answer choices or questions on quizzes/classroom assessments, audiobooks, videos that may be available in languages other than English, accessible or translatable reading materials, other language services provided through teacher video conferencing, text to speech, an online translation dictionary, or other technological resources.
Bilingual and ESL students will be served by participating program teachers (bilingual or ESL), have access to bilingual online resources, textbooks, and materials when available through the district, SMSD library, and selected purchased electronic platforms.
Federal Programs: Special Education, 504, McKinney-Vento
The SMSD Federal Programs Department will continue to align itself with the district’s reentry plans. As we continue to prioritize the health and safety of students, staff, and communities, we will also make every reasonable effort to fully implement each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan.
For parents of students who receive special education services, look forward to hearing directly from your child’s case manager prior to the start of the school year. As a collaborative team, the campus staff, student, and parent will determine the need for an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting to update or change the IEP. If a question in the area of academics, behavior, communication, or functional skills is warranted, please contact the diagnostician for your child’s grade level. If they are unable to answer your questions, they will direct you to the right person. If there is a pending Full and Individual Evaluation for your child, we will contact you at the beginning of August to discuss options for the process.
For parents of students who have a 504 Plan, all accommodations and services will continue. When necessary, a collaborative team made up of the campus staff, student, and parent will determine the need for a 504 meeting to review and update your child’s 504 Plan.
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and education stability for homeless children and youth. The term “homeless children and youth” refers to individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason. However, because the circumstances of homelessness vary with each family or unaccompanied youth, determining the extent to which the family or youth fits the definition must occur on a case-by-case and annual basis.
If you believe your child may be eligible, inform your child’s campus registrar or principal during the enrollment process and complete the Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ). Due to an increasing virtual environment, the SRQ has been converted to an electronic form.
Athletics (UIL)
Our district plans to offer UIL-approved sports as long as it is safe for all participants. Athletics will be following district, UIL and TEA guidelines. The guidelines are constantly changing and if you have any question please reach out to the sponsor of the activity your child is involved in. All extracurricular activities for the summer are optional and no student will be penalized for not attending summer camps.
A great resource to follow for extracurricular activities is the UIL website as they present modifications to the 2020-21 calendar and updated COVID-19 risk mitigation guidelines, set to take effect August 1, 2020.
Please note that the UIL calendar below may not be the exact same as the district.
Fine Arts (UIL)
Our district plans to offer UIL-approved activities as long as it is safe for all participants. All Fine Arts programs will be following district, UIL and TEA guidelines. All extracurricular activities for the summer are optional and no student will be penalized for not attending summer camps. As of now all extracurricular Fine Arts activities will proceed starting August 3, but with state and local recommendations in place.
A great resource to follow for extracurricular activities is the UIL website as they present modifications to the 2020-21 calendar and updated COVID-19 risk mitigation guidelines, set to take effect August 1, 2020.
The guidelines are constantly changing and if you have any question please don't hesitate to reach out to the sponsor of the activity your child is involved in.
Due to travel restraints and for the safety of all students the Stafford Sensations and Band will not travel to away games.
College & Career Development (CTE)
Students enrolled in College and Career courses will follow the District Reentry Plan for Secondary students. All students that return to campus for in-person learning in College and Career courses will be required to wear a mask each day to prevent the spread of the virus to the greatest extent possible and all students will be required to practice social distancing in classrooms and labs. For students enrolled in Lab based College and Career Courses such as Automotive, Agriculture, Culinary, Health Science and Welding may be required to bring or purchase individual equipment or supplies to avoid cross contamination when using class sets of items in the lab.
In addition to district safety guidelines, social distancing and recommendations, below is a collection of information that can give guidance on best practices to protect staff, patrons, and materials.
Because commonly used disinfectants can cause damage to a collection, the best practice is isolation of the items for 72 hours to 14 days. During virus outbreaks such as flu, CoVid, H1N1, and others, consider a place in your library that can be an isolation environment for at least 72 hours. A good example of this would be to have a book drop (something as simple as a box covered in paper with a slot to put the books in would suffice) and at the end of each day move the books inside to a quarantine location in the library for 3 days. Those books may then be returned to the shelves without further disinfectant processes needed. This is the best and safest practice when dealing with any type of viral contaminate. Large scale disinfectant actions, such as UV lights, or spray disinfectants are not recommended due to potential harm to the collection.
When handling books being placed into quarantine, staff should wear gloves and remove them immediately after so as not to accidentally touch another surface such as a door handle, shelf, etc. After removing the gloves, they should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.
Early Childhood Center (ECC)
This year, we are excited to inform families that this year we will be opening the Early Childhood Center, which will comprise a daycare, PreK-3, PreK-4, Kindergarten and Extended Day programs. Our new location is the old Intermediate building at 1350 Constitution. Currently, registration is online only and individual appointments will be scheduled as needed for placement tests. Keep in mind, students must “qualify” for the PreK-3 and PreK-4 programs. Additionally, out of district students are not accepted for PreK.
Stafford ECC PreK-3, PreK-4 and Kindergarten faculty, staff and teachers will be available to provide both in-person and online learning options. For those families opting for the in-person option, safety precautions will be in place. To ensure the safety of all stakeholders and in order to meet the recommended safety guidelines, we will be limiting access into the building as much as possible. Parents will still be allowed to eat lunch with their children; however, PPE attire will be required. Those opting for virtual (asynchronous) learning will be required to be on-line daily and parents must agree to maintain an open line of communication with the teacher. Teachers will offer Zoom classes as well as Study Island/CLi lessons.
The ECC Daycare will be providing child care for a fee to district and city employee children 6 months to 3 years old. The daycare will be open year round excluding 3 days for Thanksgiving, 2 weeks in December and 2 weeks in July. The hours of operation are 7am to 6pm Monday through Friday.
Extended Day
Our program will operate in the same way as in previous years once school returns to in-person. The program will also adhere to district safety guidelines, social distancing and recommendations. The program will be housed at the Early Childcare Center (ECC) this year on the former Intermediate School campus.
Maintenance & Operations
Safety is first and our team will clean and disinfect all campuses and areas using social distancing practices wearing masks, face shields and gloves in a timely manner. The custodial staff will disinfect all highly touched surfaces throughout the day and at the end of the day after all students and staff have exited all areas. In addition to watching our Spartan Safety video, here is a list of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and resources that will be available on throughout campus:
- Mask and gloves (available for staff and students if needed and cannot provide own)
- Face shields (available for staff if needed)
- Re-usable smocks (only Early Childcare Center staff will be required to wear these)
- Hand sanitizer stations
- Desk shields
- Air purifiers
- Wipes for electronic devices
- Hand-held digital thermometers
- Touch-less temperature scans
- Programmed to check for temperatures of 100.4 degrees or higher
- Will reject taking temperatures of individuals without a mask
- Can read temperatures through a mask and face shield
- Social distancing signage:
- Masks are required (entrances)
- Sanitize hands for 20 seconds (all classroom and offices)
- Directional arrows (all hallways)
- Markings for 6 Feet (all hallways and larger spaces)
- Washing hands for 20 seconds (all restrooms)
Our transportation department is fully staffed to run all of our buses including our special needs transportation. Our full-size buses have 26 seats so we will have limited capacity on each bus. Transportation will have the following new procedures:
- All students are encouraged to social distance at the bus stop.
- Every bus will be disinfected before & after each ride.
- Drivers and students must wear masks for the duration of their route.
- There will be 1 student per seat unless students are from the same household.
- Students will load onto bus from back to front and unload in the opposite direction from front to back.
- Masks, gloves and hand sanitizer dispensers will be available on each bus.
- All riders will register for transportation on the Required Enrollment Form to receive a seat assignment.
Child Nutrition
In addition to district safety guidelines, social distancing and recommendations, our district's new policy will be to operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program for the 2020-21 school year. This means all enrolled students are eligible to receive free breakfast and lunch, and eliminate the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals. This new approach reduces burdens for both families and school administrators and helps ensure that students receive nutritious meals.
All students attending in-person will receive breakfast and lunch free of charge at school. Parents who opted for online instruction will have the option of meal delivery to their homes or pick up stop at apartment complexes. Breakfast will be served in the classroom at the Elementary and ECC schools, and in the cafeteria with social distancing at the Secondary Schools. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria at all schools with social distancing. All secondary students are required to scan their ID for non-contact input of their student numbers. Keypads will be not be available for use.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You asked and we listened. Please find some of the most common questions regarding our reentry plans and safety procedures. This is not an exhaustive list of questions and some of the information may change due to the nature of COVID-19.
All Parents, Students & Staff
What if I want to contribute more to re-opening plans as a teacher, parent? We will continue to utilize the School Health Advisory Committee (SHAC) which includes teachers, parents, and health professionals. If there are any parents who are interested in serving on the SHAC COVID-19 Ad-Hoc Subcommittee, send your name, child’s name, child’s grade level, email address, and contact phone number to: Carolyn Finley, cfinley@staffordmsd.org.
Has the district secured funding for all additional cleaning supplies needed? Yes, the District is seeking reimbursement from federal funding sources.
How will social distancing be enforced at schools, when kids return? Please watch our Spartan Safety Video above to see more about our procedures for all who come to campus.
Will temperatures be taken every day before entry? If so, who will take the temperatures? Who will watch the children in line that are waiting to get their temperature taken? Student temperatures will be taken at the beginning of the day in their first class using a handheld, touch-less thermometer and teachers will keep this in their classroom to use throughout the day, if needed.
Will mid-day temperatures be taken? If so, by who? No, however, teachers may check their students’ temperature if warranted. If the teacher or other staff members suspect a student is ill, there’s always the opportunity to send the child to the nurse.
Would any PPE, disinfectant sprays/wipes, hand sanitizer, etc. be provided? SMSD has an abundance of PPE and also received PPE from the Texas Education Agency.
Our Parents & Students
When does school start? School starts Wednesday, August 19th. SMSD will reevaluate when face-to-face and virtual learning will occur after the first 4 weeks of school- September 14, 2020.
Can we make sure students have access to online textbooks? In previous years, teachers could add students, but last year they could not – this created a delay for student access to textbooks. Campuses have already begun the process of distributed textbooks.
When we transition back on campus, if a student chooses face to face, and is physically absent, but then logs in and submits work, should they be counted present? Students will be committed to their learning program and should follow respective attendance procedures as posted online.
What will we do to address the needs of students without devices if the district cannot provide one? Stafford MSD is moving to a 1 to 1 initiative, which means that every student will have access to an iPad. 1:1 devices may not be ready by the first day of school (Aug. 19), however, the district is will make sure that every household has 1 or 2 devices depending on how many students. In addition, SMSD has created evening learning labs from 5 pm- 7 pm daily for the first four (4) weeks of school.
What happens if one child gets COVID-19 in the classroom? The District will open an investigation to determine if other students will need to quarantine or not.
Will elementary level children go to elective classes? Yes, if they choose face to face learning.
Where will elementary level children eat lunch in the cafeteria? Yes, social distancing protocols will in be place and a limited number of students will be able to eat in the cafeteria at one time.
Will elementary level children get recess? Yes, however, it may require structure activities to adhere to social distancing protocols.
If we want to change our option- when can we do it? When does it go into effect? Once face-to-face schooling begins, there will be designated time periods in which a parent may change their child’s learning program (face-to-face or online at home).
What about classes that can’t be done online (ex: band, welding) be handled? There are virtual methods and programs that are available for performance-based courses.
I have Wi-Fi at our home. However, I work, and my children are watched by my parents at their home (they do not have Wi-Fi). Will Wi-Fi service be offered if needed, at their home? The District Librarian may check-out internet hotspots for families who may need this service. Instructions can be found HERE.
My son is starting Kindergarten. Can the process be explained as far as the curriculum being taught virtual? Please go the SMSD website home page and click on Stafford Learns for curriculum related questions.
Will 2nd graders participate in swim lessons? At this time, plans have not been made for students to take swimming lessons. Lessons will only occur if deemed safe.
Will there be consequences in place for students who choose not to practice social distance or wear a mask? Students may be subjected to disciplinary action if a student repeatedly and intentionally does not follow the rules pertaining to wearing mask.
Would I still need to purchase uniforms or will exceptions be made considering the financial strain of the pandemic? Yes, uniforms will still be required for face to face learning with the exception of the high school.
Who do I contact if we have technology difficulties for students experiencing trouble at home? Go to the SMSD website home page and click on the page 2 of the Back to School information to access the online “Parent Tech Help Form”.
If students are quarantining are they still required to complete daily work? Yes, if the student is feeling well, they should complete the work. Otherwise, they should rest and focus on getting well.
Is it possible to opt out for in person instruction for the 1st semester? Or would we lose our spot? Yes, parents may opt out of face to face instruction. If your child is a transfer student it is possible to lose your spot, if space is not available.
Also, if we decide to pursue online instruction, would we be able to carry his instruction after work, or would someone need to help facilitate his online learning during the day? You will be able to complete work after hours and view pre-recorded lessons.
Will children be given PPE? If so, what all will be included, how many and how often? Students may wear their own PPE, however, the District will provide PPE if and when needed.
If a student has a fever what is the protocol? If on campus, students will need to go to the nurse immediately to determine if the student should go home/or be quarantined. If at home, students should notify each of their teachers directly.
Who is responsible for notifying parents? Will there be a phone call or a note sent home? At this time, the campus administrator and/or school nurse will be responsible for contacting parents. Parents will receive a letter from the school. The District is also in the process of securing Health Contact Tracers.
There have been instances where the children and adult bathrooms have been out of soap and paper towels. How can back up supplies be easily accessible? SMSD is going through great lengths to ensure that this is not issue.
Our Staff
When does online teaching start? It starts on Wednesday, August 19, 2020.
Will teachers instruct remote learning on campus or off campus? Teachers will provide instruction virtually, however, teachers will report to their assigned campuses.
If there are teachers who are not able to return or are too nervous to return due to underlying health concerns what is the recommended course of action? You should work directly with your supervisor to follow the procedures in place.
Are masks mandated on campus? If so, what happens when a co-worker(s) doesn’t comply with the rules? Yes, unless, eating, drinking, or within the confines of an employee’s workspace while alone. Repeated and intentional non-compliance could lead to disciplinary action.
What are the options when a staff member is afraid to report to work due to what seems like unsafe work conditions (i.e. improper use of masks, ill co-workers, refusal of social distancing)? The District is diligently working to provide numerous precautions in order to provide a safe working environment. Some of the measures include: self-screening before arriving on campus, newly installed hand sanitizer dispensers, air purifying systems in all buildings in the main/nurses offices, PPE equipment (mask, gloves, and face shields) for students and employees if needed, on-going social/physical distancing, physical markers, touch-less temperature scans before entry, wipes for electronic devices, medical smock for the Early Childhood Centers, and more.
Should a staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 OR has had a possible exposure, notify those that work closest with them? Staff should notify their direct supervisor immediately.
If students are not coming the first 4-weeks, what will be teachers’ daily duties/expectations while physically at work? Teachers will be expected to plan lessons, contact parents, provide interventions with individual or small groups of students virtually, grade assignments, record assignments, attend Professional Learning Courses, etc.
Will teachers be required to present lessons in a “live” format or will Zooms be sufficient as we did at the end of the year? SMSD will utilize the asynchronous learning model where instruction does not have to happen in real-time, however, teachers will be able to use “live” formats such as Zoom if they choose.
Teachers who select the “at-home online” option for their own personal children, but cannot leave them at home, what will their options be for care? Teachers have permission to bring their personal children to their classroom during this time span.
If a teacher has to quarantine, what will happen with the class? Will the class have to be quarantined as well and move to on-line instruction or would they be split or with a sub? Depending on the availability of substitute teachers there may be times in which a partner teacher may provide instruction to students if the teacher is absent or quarantined. Contact tracing will determine who will need to be quarantined. If it is determined that students may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus, students will be able to work online at home.
As a teacher, how many hours of instruction am I required to perform? A minimum 180 min for PreK through 5th on direct instruction; a minimum of 240 min 6th -12th on direct instruction
Will staff be given PPE? If so, what all will be included, how many and how often? Staff may wear their own PPE; however, the District will provide PPE such as mask, face covers, and gloves if and when needed.
If a teacher is sick, who will take care of that class? Is there a designated sub for the campus or will we split the class? Classes may be split if a substitute teacher is not available.
What will be the anticipated class sizes? At this time, about 30% (under 1000 students district-wide) of our SMSD parents plan to send their children to school. We anticipate that the number of students will increase as COVID-19 infection rate decreases in Fort Bend/Harris County.