You've made it through a tough year. Pat yourself on the back! Be sure to keep the following in mind as you learn a myriad of new things over Summer to carry over into next year.
Be kind to yourself and your students. Everyone is stressed, even if they're playing cool.
Let's acknowledge that the quality of education will not be as good in alternative formats as it is in the pedagogical model we've actually planned for. That's OK as well.
Take baby steps. Thinking you can manage best practices in a day or a week will lead to feeling like you have failed.
You will not recreate your classroom, and you cannot hold yourself to that standard. Moving a class to a distance learning model in a day's time excludes the possibility of excellence. Please give yourself a break.
Prioritize: what do students really need to know for the next few days or weeks?
Stay in contact with your students, and stay transparent. Let them know why you are having them do the things you are asking them to do.
If you are thinking about making some video, student viewership drops off after 5 minutes. Make them capsule learning videos and make sure your audio is good enough that others can hear you clearly.
Be particularly kind to your graduating seniors. They are already panicking. If you teach a class where they need to have completed something for certification or to apply to a specific school, work with your colleagues to find a plan B. Then communicate it to the student. Radio silence is not okay.
As you begin to enter the following pages, please keep these words in mind and know that you have a village here to support you on your journey.
Use the link below to access the SMSD Employee Roadmap for contact information for various departments based on specific needs.
The schedule and session descriptions for our 2024 district staff development is posted below. The staff development sessions for all teachers will begin the first week in August.
It is our goal to provide you with useful resources to assist you throughout the school year! Please feel free to print the following quick reference guides based on your needs. Click the images to access the PDF version of the document.
Blended and virtual learning models rely on the use of traditional curriculum materials and resources delivered through the technology tools that are chosen to facilitate or enhance the learning process. When we consider meaningful student engagement through virtual means, we must think about how to design learning experiences that effectively support the introduction of and interaction with our standard curriculum materials when students are not present in the classroom.
Online pedagogy first and foremost requires thoughtful consideration of the communication process. When, and through what method, will students and their parents/guardians be informed of:
online class time
lesson content
lesson activities
expectations for the demonstration of student learning
Once the communication methods are identified and information is shared, then students will be better equipped to engage in independent learning, online discussions and chat, and/or live video sessions.
Educators in Stafford have received training on the use of a variety of online tools. These include, but are not limited to:
Open LMS
Microsoft Office365/Teams
and more...
Additional training resources can be located below for educators who need more information and support integrating digital tools. Please check this page for updates regarding virtual training opportunities as well as more resources.
Creating your own media can help personalize your course for your students. YouTube and Khan Academy videos are good, but creating your own instructional videos can serve to provide students with the familiarity they need to understand certain concepts they way they are taught in class. The following are resources you can use to create your own media. Click the links to view helpful tutorial videos.
Many people have began using Zoom to conduct meetings, connect with students and host live instructional sessions to assist students with various topics. While this is great, we must also keep in mind that there are guidelines we must follow to ensure safety and compliance when using a public tool like Zoom. Below, you find some guidelines for using Zoom along with a helpful article and video tutorial.